Friday, September 23, 2011

Acne Tips

Acne advice is easy to find, but many do not give the desired results. Most people have suffered some form of acne at some point, whether small outbreaks from time to time, or severe acne that never seems to end. Acne can be embarrassing, painful and can destroy self-esteem.

Acne Prevention Tips

Some of the best suggestions based on acne prevention. Ultimately, it is easier to prevent acne as acne is correct when it erupted. Here are some things you can try now to avoid problems later.

The use of aspirin mask. Crush some uncoated aspirin tablets and mix with enough water to make a paste and spread a thin layer of the face for about ten minutes. Salicylic acid in aspirin cleans the pores and can also help to fade acne scars. To say that small amounts of aspirin can be absorbed into the bloodstream with this method you should contact your doctor before trying.

Keep your face clean, but do not overdo it. Everyone knows that you should wash your face, but some people use too many harsh chemicals that can actually irritate the skin and make acne worse. If you remove all the oils your face, your skin will make it even more oil to compensate so caught in a mild detergent and avoid products that contain alcohol. Always wash your face before going to bed when you are wearing make-up, no matter how tired you are.

Drink plenty of water. Many people with beautiful skin swear it's the secret, and there is scientific evidence that drinking lots of water can really help your skin, keeping skin hydrated.

Tips for acne treatment

Most of the suggestions you hear associated with the treatment of acne, and there is a disproportionate amount of false information about the treatment of acne. Treatment depends on the severity of acne, and body chemistry of each person unique. Here are some general guidelines:

For small outbreaks, spot treatment is a great option, because only the affected area is exposed to chemicals, instead of your entire face. It may take some experimentation, but products containing benzoyl peroxide, sulfur or salicylic acid are generally more successful. There are also a number of natural acne treatment, home remedies described in this site that works for some people.

Those suffering from severe acne, you may need to consult a dermatologist about getting a prescription medication acne. Differin, Accutane, Tazorac, Retin-A, and spironolactone have all the drugs, which enjoyed a high reputation in the clearing of acne.

Hormonal acne usually need to be handled internally. Some types of birth control pills can give good results in clearing acne hormone. This course of treatment should be done only with a doctor's supervision.

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