Friday, September 9, 2011

Making Espresso

How do I treat an espresso? If the proper way to cook espresso, then at the top of a cup of espresso there is a layer of foam called cream that golden brown. This layer can be obtained if the correct process has been conducted and produced with great difficulty, which adds softness and retain some aroma. If the making of espresso is not true then the espresso tastes bitter. Espresso is really making should be bitter sweet. If your cup is too full or not plated coffee cream, the coffee served to you the possibility of hard and too long is extracted and cooked. So if you are in a restaurant or cafe and order an espresso, you should pay attention to those espresso cups and a sense of whether they meet its requirements cup of espresso.

How to make espresso that is by using a blend of coffee beans of choice. Choice of coffee beans are then roasted until dark brown but not to black. After that ground finer than regular coffee. However, the cooking process is quite unique espresso. Espresso cooked using steam pressure. While the amount of coffee that is used for single servings of espresso of about two-thirds of the amount of coffee to make regular coffee, but using the amount of water is much less. The process of cooking remove the essences of the coffee beans.

To make espresso, you can use some of the following tools that can be easily purchased. The cheapest is a special pot espresso maker. But the result is coffee that is not too thick and not too much cream. Another tool is the power of the steam engine. While the most expensive is a piston engine and pump machine. Both will generate considerable pressure to produce espresso with the best quality.

But if you do not like strong coffee like espresso, you can create another variant of coffee with an espresso base material. There are several types of drinks that use basic materials such as cappuccino or espresso can be made into Coffee latte mixed with cream.

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