Friday, September 16, 2011

Stamp Collector Wanted What?

The number and variety of stamps around the world are so numerous that no one can expect to have one of each stamp ever issued. So how do the collectors of stamps looked activities?

There are a number of collectors who like to collect stamps based on a specific Theme or series. For example, the theme of nature, culture, geography, animals, music, country, religion, film, photography, geology, sports, and various other themes. For example there are the collectors who collect stamps from a particular country in a special album for each state.

Other collectors collect stamps with a special design. For example stamps prism, a stamps issued in the composition coexist and are separated by perforations (holes along the edge of the stamp). Or also stamps with a triangular shape, round, and other forms of a favorite of collectors of stamps.

Other stamp collectors trying to collect old editions of stamp collection. For example, some stamp collectors collect stamps on the Dutch colonial era. Not even a little the first stamp collectors who hunt for the "Penny Black" which is currently worth about more than 7,000 U.S. dollars.

Several other collectors collect stamps that have a faulty design or printing stamps. For them, to have something overlooked by other collectors, is essential. For example, postage stamps published by a typing error, for example there is a forgotten letter written, will have a higher value than the same stamps to complete the writing.

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